From Simon Baker, CPUC, Member WHPA Executive Committee
CPUC staff have initiated a process to update the Database on Energy Efficiency Resource (DEER) for the post-2014 utility program cycle. As you know DEER contains Commission-approved ex-ante savings claims values for certain measures promoted through utility programs, including certain HVAC measures. This ultimately impacts cost-effectiveness determinations and shapes the utilities’ portfolio planning decisions about which measures (and to what extent they) are funded by utility programs.
Per the note below, a workshop was this Wednesday, July 17 to kick off this effort and begin the process of taking stakeholder feedback on the DEER update. (Click here to view the two PowerPoints.) There will be ample opportunity to hear from industry stakeholders throughout the DEER update process via informal and formal comments.
The slide deck provides an overview of the contemplated scope of the update. It notes that the DEER update is expected to update key parameters (unit energy savings, measure costs, net-to-gross ratios, etc.), based on new evaluation studies, new studies on market conditions and baseline research, improvements to calculation methodologies, etc.
Among the *possible* updates related to HVAC are new data / information / methodologies related to the following studies, program data, and other sources:
- Commercial Saturation Survey (CSS) study – HVAC configurations and efficiency
- 2009 Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (RASS) – Residential heating and cooling source weights
- New applications of space hearing systems that serve entire multi-family buildings
- New HVAC efficiency descriptors (to industry standard annualized average values such as IEER and IPLV) for boilers, chillers, packaged HVAC, and furnaces
- New “comprehensive upgrade” measures, such as residential whole house (Energy Upgrade California) and HVAC Quality Maintenance
- Simulation improvements such as more advanced residential infiltration model, improvements to duct loss air exchange with conditioned spaces
- Simulation model inputs including updates to equipment schedules and occupancy profiles (based on latest baseline research); and updates related to HVAC performance and control, such as inclusion of two-speed fans on all package HVAC models (per Title 24 requirements), changes in air economizer operation, and realignment of operational schedules based on baseline research
- New technology advances, such as changes in HVAC performance maps and prototypical modeling approaches due HVAC code-related changes in equipment design
An important caveat to keep in mind is that this DEER update will focus on measures that (a) have potential for contribution in the post-2014 cycle and (b) have available information, resource, and methodologies (i.e., supportable evidence) to make specific updates.
For any follow-up questions, please refer to Aaron Lu (, Energy Division’s project lead for the DEER update, and/or Jaclyn Marks ( who supervises this project.
Simon Baker | Branch Manager, Demand-Side Programs | Energy Division, CPUC | 415-703-5649
To All Parties in R.09-11-014 and A.12-07-001 et al:
This notice has the attached powerpoints for DEER 2013 and 2014 Updates.
On July 17, 2013, the CPUC will hold a workshop to present the DEER 2013 and DEER 2014 update process and present an initial draft of the DEER 2013 update. This initial workshop will focus on the latest research available and proposed methodologies to use for the DEER2013 and DEER2014 updates, specifically:
- DEER2013 mid-cycle updates will incorporate the codes and standards, including the California Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, the California Title 24 Building Efficiency Standards, and the United States Code of Federal Regulations, that become effective in January 2014 and will be applied to the 2013-14 portfolio cycle. Changes to weather input assumptions for the simulation models will also be included in the mid-cycle updates.
- DEER2014 updates will be apply to the post-2014 portfolio, beginning in 2015, and will tentatively include measure cost updates, saturation and baseline studies, measure use profile updates, and any Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification study results available within the schedule.
The workshop agenda and the initial draft of the DEER 2013 and 2014 updates have currently been posted on the main DEER website ( and will be posted on the Energy Efficiency CPUC website ( shortly.
Workshop details:
Wednesday, July 17th from 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Auditorium at the CPUC (505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco)
Aaron Lu | Regulatory Analyst | Integrated Demand Side Analysis | CPUC | 415-703-2409