
The mission of this committee is to provide input into the California Energy Commission (CEC) Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan as desired and necessary. WHPA members and industry will work collaboratively with the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) and Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) to help reach consensus on the energy savings aspects of HVAC installation and maintenance.

This Committee is aligned with all of the Goals in the California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan (CEESP), which is termed Cross-Cutting HVAC Goals 1-4. Click here for more information on the Cross-Cutting Goals of the Strategic Plan.

View the EBEE Committee's 2017 Implementation Plans.  

2017 SMART Goal Topics

  1. Launch 2017 EBEE Committee

  2. Develop a stakeholder community outreach and education informational resource to improve understanding of key elements referenced in EBEE-AP Strategy 1.9 and its Sub-Strategies (1.9.1 thru 1.9.6) through the HVAC lens.

View the Committee's 2017 Implementation Plans >>


Reporting Structure and Committee Status

The Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan Committee (formerly known as AB758) reports to the Executive Committee. See the WHPA organization chart by clicking here.

This committee is currently meeting. The Co-Chairs of the committee are Barbara Hernesman (SynergyNexGen) and Tim Mann (Indio Cooling & Heating Supply). The Committee’s Exploratory Working Group (EWG) acts as the voting panel and the larger “Community” Committee provides additional input and vetting of work products.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please email Wendy Worrell, WHPA staff.
Copyright 2017 by Western HVAC Performance Alliance