Final Three WE&T Working Group "Gaps" Reports Validated by EC

The final three Workforce Education and Training Working Group "Gaps" reports were discussed and all were validated by WHPA Executive Committee at its January 15, 2014 meeting. This action followed the validation of the first two reports at the December 11 EC meeting. WE&T Committee Chair Erik Emblem (JCEEP; Sheet Metal Workers International Association ) introduced the reports and recommended their validation.

Reports presented on January 15 were the Residential QI-QM Gaps Report; Commercial QI-QM Gaps Report, and Certification Gaps Report. Previously presented were the Codes & Standards Gaps Report and the Sales Force & Service Gaps Report.

The five reports were the result of up to two years of work by dozens of industry volunteers; the Executive Committee asked that their appreciation for the contributions of all Working Group members be conveyed to all Working Group participants.

All five reports are posted on the "WHPA Work Products" section of the website and on the WE&T Committee page.
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