The blurbs below are of previous WHPA and industry news. Links to external sites may not always work since they may changed or removed over time.
WHPA Work Product Defines ‘Compliance’ and Identifies Stakeholders
After months of research and collaboration, the WHPA Compliance Committee produced the HVAC Compliance Definition Matrix. The matrix defines “compliance” and identifies the various elements and stakeholders involved with compliance for residential and commercial HVAC.
View the HVAC Compliance Definition Matrix
HVAC5 Laboratory HVAC Testing Research for 2013-2014
This document provides an introduction to a detailed report of the results of laboratory testing of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment for the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). It identifies why the work was completed, objectives, and study approach. It also provides some of the major findings from the laboratory testing. Per the Laboratory HVAC Testing Research Plan, the purpose of these tests is to establish the energy impacts of faults that HVAC maintenance programs address. The test results are also meant to:
- Improve the accuracy of the California Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER) updates
- Examine fault detection diagnostic (FDD) reliability
- Examine instrumentation accuracy
- Probe unexpected findings
This document is separated into three parts: 1. Introduction and Data Dictionary, 2. Data file 3. Primary Laboratory Test Report.
Recruiting HVAC Technicians for the Next Decade - A WHPA Special Report
HVAC technicians might seem to have it made. Eventually they’re paid well, there’s always work, and many of them go on to run their own businesses. Despite these truths, the HVAC industry is facing a challenge that will impact contractors and consumers; there is an abundance of good jobs that need to be filled and a shortage of qualified people to fill them.
This WHPA Special Feature contains data and many experienced voices sharing their views on the topic of Recruiting HVAC Technicians for the Next Decade.
Invitation to WHPA Baseline Webinar
You are cordially invited to attend the WHPA Energy Savings & DEER Committee Sponsored Baseline Webinar. Pete Jacobs with BuildingMetrics is the featured speaker. Speaker bio »
When: Tuesday, October 18th, 11am - 12pm PDT
Webex link
Password: WHPA
Dial-in: (650) 479-3208
Access code: 662 209 977
Free Certification Training Program for Building Operation Professionals
September 29, 2016 - The High Performance Building Operations Professional (HPBOP) Pilot Training Program
offers a hands-on teaching approach for new job skills such as energy data analysis, environmental controls, building
automation systems and other electromechanical approaches to HVAC performance.
Twelve classes are held once
per week at Laney College in Oakland, CA beginning on October 14th, 2016. Space is limited. For the full schedule and information, please contact Pamela Wallace, Director Laney College -BEST Center at 510-464-3248 or pwallace@peralta.edu.
Request for Comments on the HVAC3 NTG Evaluation of ’13-’14 CQM Programs
September 7, 2016 - Commission staff is seeking comments on the HVAC3 Net-to-gross Evaluation of 2013-14 Commercial Quality Maintenance Programs by Friday, September 16, 2016, COB.
Click here for more information on why this matters and how to get involved.
ADOPTED: Proposed Decision Providing Guidance for Initial Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Filings
August 18, 2016 - the CPUC adopted ALJ Fitch’s revised proposed ‘Decision Providing Guidance for Initial Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Filings’ under Rulemaking 13-11-05.
Click here for more information on why this matters and how to get involved.
Proposed Decision Providing Guidance for Initial Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Filings
July 19, 2016 - On May 24th, 2016, Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Julie Fitch issued a proposed "Decision Providing Guidance for Initial Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolio Business Plan Filings." Parties of record may file comments on the proposed decision (PD) and are due August 8th, per Rule 14.3 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure. The PD may be heard and voted on, at the earliest, at the Commission’s August 18, 2016 Business Meeting.
Click here for more information on why this matters and how to get involved.
WHPA Finalizes Three Implementation Plans for 2016
May 11, 2016 - Implementation Plans for the Compliance, Existing Building Energy Efficiency Action Plan, and Fault Detection and Diagnostic Committees were presented at the quarterly joint meeting of the Executive Committee (EC), Council of Advisors, and Committee/Working Group Chairs. All three plans were approved and can be viewed via the links below.
Comments on ALJ Ruling on Energy Efficiency Baseline Policy due Tuesday, May 17th
On April 21, 2016, CPUC Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Julie Fitch issued a ruling seeking comment on energy efficiency baseline policy, the CPUC/CEC Staff whitepaper, and related issues. The ruling also includes 20 questions related to the staff white paper. >> READ MORE
WHPA Produces Two Work Product for ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180 Committee
December 9, 2015 - Two Working Groups of the Commercial Quality Maintenance Committee (CQM) have received unanimous Executive Committee approval for their work product.
Standard 180 Table 5-12 Economizer Maintenance Work Product
The Standard 180 Maintenance Task Working Group’s work product suggests revisions, new tasks, and eliminating unnecessary tasks in Economizer Table 5-12 of Standard 180.
Standard 180 User Manual Phase 1 Work Product
The Standard 180 User Manual Working Group conceptualized the development of a comprehensive user manual for ASHRAE’s Standard 180 User Manual Subcommittee. They sought to provide broad, consensus-based suggestions on what should be included, how the content might be organized, and how to effectively present the clarifications.
ACHR News Publishes eBook on Benefits of Certified HVACR Technicians
In the Fall of 2015, the ACHR News published an eBook titled Solving the HVACR Certification Puzzle in order to "…introduce readers to the multiple certification organizations within the industry as well as spell out the advantages of getting technicians certified." The 31-page eBook is divided into the four chapters below.
Chapter 1 - Certifications Create Competency, Invoke Trust
Chapter 2 - Business Benefits of Technician Certifications are Numerous
Chapter 3 - Certification Provides Benchmark for Contractor Quality
Chapter 4 - Certifications Help Distinguish HVAC Professionals
California Passes Assembly Bill 802
Oct. 8, 2015 - California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed AB 802 into law, effective January 1, 2016. This bill addresses energy uses benchmarking and methods of claimed savings.
Important Energy Efficiency Bills Pass California Legislature
Bills SB 350, AB 802 and AB 793—all related to energy efficiency—passed through the Legislature and the Governor is expected to sign all into law. We will post additional information as the agencies and utilities impacted by this legislation begin to develop their implementation processes.
Energy Commission Adopts Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan
On September 9, 2015, the California Energy Commission (CEC) adopted a roadmap to reach Governor Brown's goal to double building efficiency savings in California by 2030.
The roadmap, called the Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan, is designed to achieve greenhouse gas reduction goals, and will help consumers save money and enjoy more comfortable homes through energy efficiency.
David Ismailyan, Analyst with the CEC, appreciated the WHPA’s role in providing input on the Action Plan. "I want to thank the WHPA Existing Buildings Action Plan Committee for their invaluable input on the Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan." David added, "Energy Commission staff appreciate the collaborative effort and believe that this type of partnership will ensure success. The recent adoption of the Action Plan provides opportunity to continue working together. I look forward to it.”
CPUC Releases Proposed Decision on Energy Efficiency Goals for 2016 and Beyond
August 18, 2015 – The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has just released a proposed decision that, if approved, will set the policy by which energy efficiency programs will operate beginning in 2016.
This proposal impacts the way programs will be handled in the upcoming cycle by establishing processes for developing and measuring energy efficiency programs. In this decision, the CPUC:
- Adopts “aggressive yet achievable” energy savings goals for ratepayer-funded energy efficiency program portfolios for 2016 and beyond;
- Establishes a “Rolling Portfolio” process for regularly reviewing and revising portfolios;
- Updates various energy efficiency program portfolio metrics, including DEER values.
Click here to view the proposed decision.
Study of HVAC Technician Behavior A “Must Read” for the Industry
EMI Consulting recently completed Phase II of the HVAC Contractor and Behavior Study. This report, developed over two years, has been called a “must read” for everyone involved in installing and maintaining HVAC systems.
The focus of this study was on technicians; 218 HVAC technicians were surveyed by telephone and a smaller number of interviews with contractors, market actors, and implementers. The research team explored implementation challenges faced by technicians, qualities of contractors’ business models that prevent or contribute to ideal field practices, and training/certification needs in order to fully transform the market.
This study was built upon an earlier study completed in September of 2012 that focused on the role of contractors and technicians on the service, maintenance, and installation of HVAC systems.
Momentum for Standard 180 Committee at ASHRAE June Meeting
The highly-anticipated first meeting of ASHRAE’s Standard 180 Reconstituted (SPC 180R) Committee was held on June 26. This committee is concerned with the inspection and maintenance of commercial building HVAC systems.
Each of the five subcommittees presented a report on progress since they were formed at the ASHRAE Winter meeting in January 2015. The five subcommittee chairs, and Committee Chair Tom Paxson, are all associated with WHPA member organizations.
It was agreed that the three subcommittees working on elements of the Section 5 Table would present their work at the next meeting using a common format.
Additionally, the Committee decided that the user manual work, also handled by a subcommittee, will be based on the current standards rather than wait for the revised standards.
WHPA Committee Responds to CEC Request for Input
Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan (EBEE) Committee sent its first Work Product to the California Energy Commission (CEC), after adoption by the WHPA Executive Committee at its July 8 meeting.
The CEC asked the WHPA to provide input on the CEC’s draft of “Gap Analysis and Barriers to the Market”, which is a part of the Action Plan.
This proactive reaching out by the CEC to the WHPA for industry input on a significant public policy document was commended by the Executive Committee. Future input will be provided by EBEE to the CEC during continued work on the Action Plan.
Click here to view the new work product.
WHPA Unveils List of Impactful HVAC Research
The WHPA has created a new webpage that provides impactful HVAC-related reports dating back to 2010. These useful studies cover a wide variety of topics such as operations & maintenance best practices, contractor & technician behavior, and fault detection and diagnostics, to name a few.
Click here to view the WHPA’s new HVAC Research page.
CPUC Public Comment Deadline 5/15, Webinar on Two HVAC Plans
Commission staff is seeking comments on the two plans listed below by Friday, May 15 at 5pm.
To help inform comments, Commission staff and its consultant DNV-GL will be hosting a webinar to present the draft plans and address questions on Tuesday, May 12 between 10:00am and 1:00pm.
Click here for more information on the plans and the webinar.
Second ANSI Public Review of ACCA HVAC Quality Installation Specification
ACCA announced the ANSI public review period for its BSR/ACCA 5 QI -201x, “HVAC Quality Installation Specification” as a revised industry standard. The 30 day public review period started on May 1, 2015, with a comment deadline of May 31, 2015.
The consolidated red-line edits and response form can be found at www.acca.org/standards/ansi/.
Here is a link directly to the Standard 5 Draft.
April 21 Deadline for Public Comments on AB758 Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has released a draft of its Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan that provides a 10-year roadmap to transform California’s existing residential, commercial, and public building stock into high performing and energy efficient buildings.
Public comments can be received until April 21.
A public workshop was held on April 7 at the California Energy Commission, 1516 Ninth Street, Art Rosenfeld Hearing Room, Sacramento, CA.
Click here for a link to the CEC AB 758 web page, with information about the Action Plan, the Public Forum, and other updates.
WHPA Unveils List of Sales Trainers and Energy Savings Estimation Tools
The WHPA has developed a directory of HVAC Sales Training Providers. Sales training improves contractors’ ability to effectively communicate and propose the benefits of HVAC maintenance, efficient HVAC equipment, and other HVAC efficiency measures.
A list of HVAC Savings Estimator Tools has also been compiled by the WHPA. These estimation tools help sales professionals and facility management personnel quantify the benefits of energy efficiency measures being proposed.
AB758 Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan Out For Review
March 2015 - The CPUC has released a draft of its Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan that provides a 10-year roadmap to transform California’s existing residential, commercial, and public building stock into high performing and energy efficient buildings.
Click here for more information.
Dominick Guarino Voted Chairman of the Council of Advisors
The Council of Advisors is responsible for setting the WHPA strategy for the California Long-Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan and Action Plan. The position has been vacant.
National Comfort Institute is a charter member of the WHPA, and Dominick has been the organization’s representative since that time. Dominick has more than 35 years of experience in the HVAC industry, and is a regular columnist for Contracting Business.
2015 SMART Goals Approved by EC
At its December 10, 2014 meeting, the Executive Committee approved the final wording of the 2015 SMART goals (below).
- Revise HVAC Components of the CA Strategic Plan and HVAC Action Plan
- Continue Commercial HVAC Sector Strategy Engagement Process
- Revise FDD Roadmap
- Quantify QI/QM Energy Savings and Engage in DEER Update Process
- Develop HVAC Components of CEC AB 758 Action Plan
- Develop Single-Source Permitting Process for Mechanical Change-Outs
Comprehensive Study Sheds Light On The Efficiency Impacts of HVAC System Faults
The results of an extensive three-year study undertaken by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have just been released in a report titled "Sensitivity Analysis of Installation Faults on Heat Pump Performance." NIST is a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The goal of the study was to assess the impacts that HVAC system installation faults had on equipment electricity consumption.
A full copy of the NIST report can be downloaded by clicking here.
Click here to read the abstract.
Final Comments on Four Work Order 32 Reports Have Been Received
Dozens of industry stakeholders submitted input on four Work Order 32 reports during the recent comment period. Click here to read the reports and comments.
RQI Committee Meets SCE Request to Provide Timely Industry Input
Sept. 10, 2014 - The Executive Committee adopted the work product Input to SCE RQI Program Claimed Savings Workpaper at the September 10 meeting.
This work paper was developed by the Residential Quality Installation (RQI) Committee, chaired by Jeff Henning of MSDC.
Executive Committee Adopts New Commercial Sector Strategy Work Product
On September 8 and 9, 2014, via email vote, the Executive Committee adopted the work product WHPA Recommended HVAC Sector Strategy Problem Statements/Performance Gaps.
Developed by the Commercial Sector Strategy Committee, a veteran group of industry stakeholders, the objective was to develop 3-5 performance gaps/workforce problem statements that could form the basis of an HVAC Sector Strategy for 2014-2015 for consideration by the IOUs.
Working Group Delivers Listings of Regulatory Policy Activity and Resources
August 14, 2014 – A special Working Group created to meet a 2014 WHPA goal to Improve the visibility of information about California utility and public policy organizations as they relate to HVAC and energy efficiency has published its first deliverable.
CPUC Releases California Commercial Saturation Survey Report
WHPA members might be especially interested in information supplied in this CA CPUC funded California Commercial Saturation (CCS) study in Section 9 related to commercial HVAC equipment. The study included types of equipment, make and model, age, condition and rated SEER distribution. This information could be used by the CPUC/ED to develop improved marketplace baseline for installed systems, especially commercial packaged rooftop units and split systems.
California Commercial Saturation Survey (CSS) Report – FINAL Click here to view the document
California Commercial Saturation Survey (CSS) Appendices – FINAL Click here to view the document
Apply by Aug. 15 for New ASHRAE Std. 180 Committee;
Seeking Experts on Commercial Quality Maintenance
A re-activated Standard 180 Committee was fast-tracked through the summer ASHRAE meeting by WHPA CO-Chair Bob Baker, an AHRAE Fellow, and other supporters.
WHPA members and industry experts on commercial quality maintenance are invited to submit applications to join the newly-approved Committee to consider revisions to Standard 180.
Click here to read more.
New National HVAC Furnace Fan Efficiency Standards Announced for 2019
The Department of Energy (DOE) issued new efficiency standards today that will dramatically reduce the energy use of a little-known home energy hog. Furnace fans, which circulate heated and cooled air throughout a home, consume more than twice the electricity in a year as a typical new refrigerator. The new standards will cut the cost to power furnace fans by about 40% and also deliver improved comfort.
Hoover Institution Publishes Report on California’s Electricity Policy Future Beyond 2020
The Hoover Institution and Dian Grueneich, Commissioner Emeritus of the CPUC, have published a report on California’s Electricity Policy Future Beyond 2020.
Click here to view the report.
New WHPA Webpage Lists Utility HVAC Incentive Programs

2016 Title 24 Standards Pre-Rulemaking Process is Underway
Workshops are currently being help for 2016 Title 24. These workshops provide an opportunity for stakeholders to help inform the development of codes change proposals. The workshops for the 2016 code update will take place June - August 2014.
Click here for more information.
CEC releases its 2013 Achieving Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency In California: 2013 Status Update, Staff Report
"Achieving Cost-Effective Energy Efficiency in California documents the progress California utilities make in prioritizing investments in cost-effective energy efficiency.
For the seventh consecutive year since the enactment of Assembly Bill 2021 (Levine, Chapter 734, Statutes of 2006), this report tracks how utility-reported energy savings compare with the state’s goal of reducing total forecasted electricity consumption by 10 percent over 10 years. This report presents staff analysis of energy efficiency data compiled from investor-owned utilities’ annual reports filed with the California Public Utilities Commission and from the California Municipal Utilities Association who, on behalf of publicly owned utilities, annually files reports with the California Energy Commission."
Link to report
On the Road with the Building Energy Efficiency Standards
The Energy Commission Outreach and Education Team is on the road working with utilities, energy consultants and the building industry to promote energy efficiency in the community. They are educating Californians about investing in energy-efficient appliances, making energy-efficient home improvements, and taking energy-efficient actions every day that can save Californians hundreds of dollars.
WHPA FDD Committee Helps CEC with New Title 24 Economizer Requirement
The California Energy Commission (CEC) approved an important energy efficiency measure for the 2013 Title 24 Nonresidential Building Energy Standards that requires economizer fault detection and diagnostic (FDD) on all replacement and new rooftop HVAC systems 4.5 tons and larger. The new requirement will be in force starting July 1, 2014.
The WHPA Fault Detection Diagnostics (FDD) Committee, chaired by Dr. Kristin Heinemeier of UC Davis Western Cooling Efficiency Center (WCEC), played a key role in bringing key stakeholders together to develop and support the Title 24 measure. READ MORE...
IOUs Develop Website for Input on 2016 Version of Title 24
As part of the IOU effort supporting the CEC’s update process, stakeholders are invited to provide input on the 2016 version of Title 24 at title24stakeholders.com
Whole Building Education Committee Completes Industry Roadmap
The “HVAC in Whole Building Education Industry Roadmap" report was discussed and unanimously endorsed by the WHPA Executive Committee at its April 9, 2014 meeting. Whole Building Education Committee Chair Chris Compton (HVACRedu.net ) introduced the report and recommended its endorsement. CLICK HERE for the report.
Final Three WE&T Working Group "Gaps" Reports Validated by EC
The final three Workforce Education and Training Working Group "Gaps" reports were discussed and all were validated by WHPA Executive Committee at its January 15, 2014 meeting. This action followed the validation of the first two reports at the December 11 EC meeting. WE&T Committee Chair Erik Emblem (JCEEP; Sheet Metal Workers International Association ) introduced the reports and recommended their validation. READ MORE...
CPUC Responds to WHPA Requests from Nov. 2013 Meeting With 3 Fact Sheets on Potential Energy Savings Review Process
The following link was provided for WHPA members by CPUC Demand Side Analysis Branch Manager Pete Skala. In addition to other useful information at this CPUC website page titled "Ex Ante Review" are three "Fact Sheets" developed in response to requests by the WHPA Executive Committee, Council of Advisors, Committee, and Working Group Chairs during the annual leadership conference held in Pasadena in November, 2013.
The Ex Ante process estimates the potential energy savings for an energy efficient measure before it is installed based on predictions of typical operating conditions and baseline usage. The process is the basis for utilities to claim savings for their energy efficiency portfolios. The Ex Ante process covers deemed measures (DEER and non-DEER), measures that have well-known and consistent performance characteristics, and custom measures.
Title 24 Update Delayed to July 1, 2014
On Dec. 11, 2013 the California Energy Commission approved revising the effective date for the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (also known as Title 24) from January 1, 2014 to July 1, 2014. Stated reasons for the delay were: 1) further enhance the required software used by the building industry; and 2) provide the industry and local building departments with more time to prepare for and become familiar with the Standards. CLICK HERE for full article.
CLICK HERE for more information from the California Energy Commission website.
Two WE&T Working Group "Gaps" Reports Accepted by EC
Five Workforce Education and Training Working Group "Gaps" reports were submitted to the Executive Committee for their December 11 meeting. These reports were the result of up to two years of work by dozens of industry volunteers, according to WE&T Committee Chair Erik Emblem (JCEEP; Sheet Metal Workers International Association ), who introduced the reports.
Hugo Aguilar (International Assoc. of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) is the chair of the Codes & Standards Working Group and he presented a summary of the findings. Daniel Jones (Honeywell), chair of the Sales Force & Service Working Group, had previously presented his team's report and he was also present.
The Executive Committee accepted the two reports by majority vote and thanked the participants for their diligent efforts. The reports are posted on the "WHPA Work Products" section of the website and on the WE&T Committee page.
The other reports, posted on the WE&T web page, will be reviewed by the EC at the January meeting.
Title 24 Training Webinars for 2013 Energy Efficiency Standards Residential and Nonresidential Buildings
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is conducting all-day Title 24 webinars on January 16th and 23rd. CLICK HERE for an outline (without exact times) of the webinars, which allow attendees to “jump in and out” of topics of interest.
Register your attendance at title24training@energy.ca.gov or with Daniel Johnson at (916) 651-3746.
Please note that the webinars are not hosted by the WHPA.
Two WE&T Working Group "Gaps" Reports Accepted by EC
Five Workforce Education and Training Working Group "Gaps" reports were submitted to the Executive Committee for their December 11 meeting. These reports were the result of up to two years of work by dozens of industry volunteers, according to WE&T Committee Chair Erik Emblem (JCEEP; Sheet Metal Workers International Association ), who introduced the reports.
Hugo Aguilar (International Assoc. of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) is the chair of the Codes & Standards Working Group and he presented a summary of the findings. Daniel Jones (Honeywell), chair of the Sales Force & Service Working Group, had previously presented his team's report and he was also present.
The Executive Committee accepted the two reports by majority vote and thanked the participants for their diligent efforts. The reports are posted on the "WHPA Work Products" section of the website and on the WE&T Committee page.
The other reports, posted on the WE&T web page, will be reviewed by the EC at the January meeting.
Highlights of in-person meeting of EC and Council of Advisors
Executive Committee and Council of Advisors representatives and Committee Chairs of the WHPA all met in Pasadena, CA over the course of three days. There was excellent cross-communication among all meeting participants. Additionally, six WHPA goals were identified by the Executive Committee for focus in 2014.
CLICK HERE for presentations at the Executive Committee meeting
CLICK HERE for presentations at the joint EC/Council of Advisors meeting.
CPUC / Work Order 32 Presentation
More than 100 people attended the CPUC web presentation on Standard 180 maintenance programs, commonly known as Work Order 32.
CLICK HERE for a copy of all presentations. You may also submit comments.
California's Boost To Commercial HVAC Performance Goes National
California's Title 24 Energy Efficiency Standard and the WHPA have led national efforts to maintain the energy performance of commercial rooftop (RTU) air conditioners. The California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research program in collaboration with the California investor-owned utilities, New Buildings Institute, the Western Cooling Efficiency Center, and the WHPA, helped California investigate the viability of and eventually adopt the nation's first RTU Fault Detection and Diagnostic (FDD) measure for the 2013 Title 24 that is scheduled to come into effect in January 2014.
Based on the Title 24 work, a similar RTU FDD proposal was made by WHPA member New Buildings Institute to the NW Energy Codes Group representing energy code interests in Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington. The Codes Group took the FDD measure and proposed it to the 2015 International Energy Code (IECC) revision cycle. During the week of Oct 7, 2013, the 2015 IECC adopted the NW proposal as a national energy code measure. Both California and national measures use the same language including the starting size for FDD at 54,000 Btu/hr (4.5 ton) and larger, in capacity. The International Green Construction Code (IgCC) will adopt the same measure as it “overlays” the IECC.
Possible Revised Effective Date for the 2013 Title 24 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards
"At its December 11, 2013 Business Meeting, the California Energy Commission is considering revising the effective date for the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 1, Chapter 10 and Part 6, and affected provisions in Part 11 [Cal. Green Building Standards Code]) from January 1, 2014 to July 1, 2014."
What is DEER?
The Database for Energy Efficient Resources (DEER) is a California Energy Commission and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) sponsored database designed to provide well-documented estimates of energy and peak demand savings values, measure costs, and effective useful life (EUL) all with one data source. The users of the data are intended to be program planners, regulatory reviewers and planners, utility and regulatory forecasters, and consultants supporting utility and regulatory research and evaluation efforts. DEER has been has been designated by the CPUC as its source for deemed and impact costs for program planning.
Abstract from the International Energy Program Evaluation Conference held in Chicago, IL, August 13-15, 2013: "Lessons Learned from Field Observations of Commercial Sector HVAC Technicians Behavior and Laboratory Testing" by Robert Mowris, Robert Eshom, and Ean Jones, Robert Mowris & Associates, Inc., Olympic Valley, California
Click here to download the document.
Upcoming Southern California Edison-Sponsored Event Displays Latest Models of Digital Economizers
Join the Southern California Edison HVAC Optimization team in Irvine, CA on October 23rd as reps from the manufacturers of the Honeywell JADE, Belimo ZIP and the CATALYST EEC, three of the latest models of digital economizer controls, put their products on display. This unique event offers the opportunity to learn how this new technology can save customers energy and money while making setup and maintenance simpler.
In addition, Southern California Edison has announced new financial incentives in its HVAC Optimization program for the advanced digital controllers noted here.
FDD Committee Report Approved By EC; Becomes latest “official” WHPA work Product
Dr. Kristin Heinemeier, Chair of the Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) Committee, presented the FDD Roadmap to the WHPA Executive at its July 10 meeting. The EC voted to approve the document, and offered its appreciation to each member of the Committee.
The report is available on the WHPA website.
Sept. 18 Public Webinar on Final DEER 2013 Draft; Instructions for Commenting on Draft
The DEER team will be holding a webinar to summarize the draft update, provide instructions on how to comment, and take questions on Wednesday (9/18) from 3 to 5 pm PST. No reservations are required, and the public is invited. CLICK HERE for meeting information.
Recording Available of DEER 101 Class held Sept. 12 for WHPA Members
Utility staff provided a two-hour presentation to more than 60 WHPA members on DEER, the CPUC tool that calculates the energy savings that utility programs may claim. CLICK HERE for more information about the session, including how to access the recording.
DEER 101 Class for WHPA on Sept. 12; Unique Opportunity During Input Period
DEER is a CPUC tool that impacts California IOU HVAC programs, because it calculates the energy savings that may be claimed.
California is currently in a brief period when the CPUC is gathering public input on DEER. To help inform the WHPA, the IOUs are sponsoring a DEER 101 webinar on Thursday, Sept. 12, from 9 to 11 a.m. Pacific.
CLICK HERE for more information about the session, including how to access a recording if you are unable to attend.
EC Accepts Working Group Recommendations for Res Upstream HVAC Equipment Incentives
In January, 2013 the Executive Committee (EC) created a Working Group to provide design recommendations to California’s four investor owned utilities (IOUs) for consideration for a Residential Upstream HVAC Equipment Incentive program.
The report was “accepted as written” by the EC at its June 12, 2013 meeting. In its vote, the Executive Committee added that, in addition to the report, the IOUs were encouraged to consider adding a “compliance” element to the “2013-2014 Residential Upstream HVAC Equipment Incentive Program” when they ultimately submit the program implementation plan to the CPUC.
The report, including the transmittal letter, a list of Working Group participants, and comments submitted as part of the complete package, can be read here.
Charter Updated
In April the WHPA Executive Committee approved major revisions to the existing organizational charter. The revised charter addresses the mission, committee and Working Group structure, role of the Chair, voting procedures, and many other topics.
Training on the updated charter is being developed for WHPA leadership, Committee and Working Group members, and others.
CLICK HERE for the charter.
CLICK HERE for the webinar version of the tutorial
Abstract from the International Energy Program Evaluation Conference held in Chicago, IL, August 13-15, 2013: "Lessons Learned from Field Observations of Commercial Sector HVAC Technicians Behavior and Laboratory Testing" by Robert Mowris, Robert Eshom, and Ean Jones, Robert Mowris & Associates, Inc., Olympic Valley, California
Click here to download the document.
August 15 Deadline - WHPA Members Invited to Comment on DEER; Big Impact on Energy Savings Programs
The California Public Energy Commission (CPUC) manages the Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER). This database sets the projected energy savings and many other factors that strongly shape the energy saving programs funded by the California Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs).
The CPUC has provided a public comment period on DEER until August 15. The CPUC, in a presentation to the WHPA on August 1, solicited comment from WHPA member organizations.
US Department of Energy launches a nationwide "Advanced RTU Campaign”
Older, inefficient commercial rooftop unit (RTU) air conditioning systems are common and can waste from $1,000 to $3,700 per unit annually, depending on the building size and type. By replacing or retrofitting them, you can save money, improve your energy efficiency, make your building more comfortable, and help the environment. The Advanced RTU Campaign (ARC) encourages commercial building owners and operators to replace their old RTUs with more efficient units or to retrofit their RTUs with advanced controls in order to take advantage of these benefits.
CPUC Holds DEER Workshop
The CPUC will be holding a public workshop to discuss the update process and proposed methodologies for the 2013 and 2014 versions of the Database of Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER). DEER is the database which defines the energy efficiency values (kWh, kW and therms) that IOUs can claim for many technologies addressed by their efficiency programs including HVAC equipment.
This workshop will provide a good opportunity for WHPA members to better understand the DEER process and how members can provide input into the process either individually or collectively through the WHPA. Perhaps the agenda item most relevant to WHPA members is the 2014 update that will tentatively include measure cost updates, saturation and baseline studies, measure use profile updates, and any study results available within the schedule. Many of these topics are currently being discussed within several WHPA Committees and thus these Committees have a prime opportunity to help influence the DEER process.
The proposed methodologies and values for the DEER 2013 update will be posted here. There is a webinar option for those who cannot attend in person. The workshop details are as follows:
Wednesday, July 17th from 9:30 am – 5 pm
Auditorium at the CPUC (505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco)
Conference line: 1-866-621-8358
Participant code: 6224559
GoToMeeting web conference: http://www.gotomeeting.com/fec/
Access code: 347-980-112
Key Documents from the California Energy Commission on 2013 Title 24:
Revised Final Draft of the 2013 Residential Compliance Manuals are available on our web site. 2013 Residential Alternative Calculation Method Reference Manual - Revised Final Draft
Residential Compliance Manual - Revised Final Draft, Click here for the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards.
For more information click here.
2013 Residential and Nonresidential Compliance Manuals
The Final Drafts of the 2013 Residential and Nonresidential Compliance Manuals are available for viewing here. Comments received can be viewed by clicking here. To get a copy of any comment, please email the docket unit by clicking here.
CEC Posts Existing Buildings Action Plan
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is poised to release a draft plan proposing key initiatives to implement a comprehensive Energy Effiency program for existing buildings, pursuant to AB 758 .
WHPA members are invited to provide comment by attending any of three workshops to be held throughout California in June. Workshops are scheduled for 6/24 (San Francisco), 6/25 (Fresno), and 6/28 (Los Angeles).
Further information is available from Jeorge Tagnipes (California Public Utilities Commission’s AB 758 liaison): jeorge.tagnipes@cpuc.ca.gov , 415-703-2451; or Christine Collopy (CEC’s AB 758 project lead) christine.collopy@energy.ca.gov, 916-654-4899.
CLICK HERE for an issue brief prepared for the WHPA on AB 758 and the input process.
WHPA Charter Updated
In April the WHPA Executive Committee approved major revisions to the existing organizational charter. The revised charter addresses the mission, committee and Working Group structure, role of the Chair, voting procedures, and many other topics.
Training on the updated charter is being developed for WHPA leadership, Committee and Working Group members, and others.
CLICK HERE for the charter.
Industry Input Sought by Utilities for Residential Upstream Programs Members of the WHPA who are interested in California Residential Upstream programs are invited to participate in a short-term Working Group.
This is an excellent opportunity for your voice to be heard directly by California Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) and the Energy Division of the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) as the 2012-2014 programs are being defined.
For more information, click here.
Method for Evaluating Diagnostic Protocols For Packaged A/C Equipment
Fault detection and diagnostic tools are becoming more widely available for residential and light commercial air conditioning systems. The California Title 24 Building Energy Standard includes refrigerant charge and air flow diagnostic protocols and procedures, and energy efficiency programs have provided financial incentives for diagnostics-based HVAC equipment maintenance programs.
The objective of this work is to address the need to know the accuracy of commercially available fault detection tools. This ties directly into the current work being done by the RQI and CQM committees.
First Draft of Nonresidential Acceptance & Installation Forms
The first draft of the 2013 Title 24 Nonresidential Acceptance & Installation Forms have been released by the California Energy Commission. They can be viewed by clicking here.
SCE Job Posting - Program Portfolio Manager

Click here to learn more about the duties and qualifications of this position.
Method for Evaluating Diagnostic Protocols For Packaged A/C Equipment
Fault detection and diagnostic tools are becoming more widely available for residential and light commercial air conditioning systems. The California Title 24 Building Energy Standard includes refrigerant charge and air flow diagnostic protocols and procedures, and energy efficiency programs have provided financial incentives for diagnostics-based HVAC equipment maintenance programs.
The objective of this work is to address the need to know the accuracy of commercially available fault detection tools. This ties directly into the current work being done by the RQI and CQM committees.
Click here to review the draft report.
First Draft of Nonresidential Acceptance & Installation Forms
The first draft of the 2013 Title 24 Nonresidential Acceptance & Installation Forms have been released by the California Energy Commission. They can be viewed by clicking here.
Upcoming Workshop on HVAC Fault Detection and Diagnostic Tool Evaluator
The New Buildings Institute and Western Cooling Efficiency Center Workshop are hosting an upcoming workshop on HVAC Fault Detection and Diagnostic Tool Evaluator.
The public review and comment will be held from 9:30a.m. - 3:30p.m. on February 28, 2013 at the Western Cooling Efficiency Center, UC Davis, West Village, 215 Sage St. Suite 100.
To participate by phone: (866) 537-1619 code: 793 90 69#
Computer login: link
Second Draft of the 2013 Nonresidential Compliance Forms are Available
The second draft of the 2013 Nonresidential Compliance Manuals and Forms are posted for comment here. Comments are to be made electronically in the body of an email or a Word or PDF attachment. They are due by COB February 21, 2013. Please send comments to docket@energy.ca.gov with "12-BSTD-05" in the subject line.
For more information, click here.
2013 Title 24 Residential Compliance Forms are Available (Including HVAC)
The first draft of the 2013 Residential Compliance Forms are posted for comment here. Comments are to be made electronically in the body of an email or a Word or PDF attachment. They are due by COB February 7, 2013. Please send commets to docket@energy.ca.gov with "12-BSTD-05" in the subject line.Title 24 Residential Compliance Manual Available
The Draft Certificate of Compliance (CF-1R) for the 2103 T24 Residential Performance Compliance Method is available on the CEC website.
CLICK HERE to download the form.
Title 24 Draft Certificate of Compliance (CF-1R) Now Available
The Draft 2013 Residential Compliance Manual chapters are posted for comment at: www.energy.ca.gov/title24/2013standards/res_compliance_manual. Comments are to be made electronically in the body of an email or a Word or PDF attachment and are due by COB November 21, 2012. Please send your comments to: docket@energy.ca.gov with 12-BSTD-5 in the subject line.
In-Person WHPA Meeting and Public Forum Held November 14
The WHPA Executive Committee and the Council of Advisors met for a joint morning session on Wednesday, November 14, in Pasadena, California at the annual trade show of the Institute of Heating and Air Conditioning Industries (IHACI).
Immediately following the joint meeting, a Public Forum was held to provide perspectives on ratepayer-funded HVAC programs and other HVAC efficiency issues to the California Public Utilities Commission's Energy Division (CPUC ED).
More than 100 people attended the event in person, many of them industry leaders visiting the IHACI trade show at the same location. A conference line was held for remote participation.
This session featured a panel of CPUC ED and IOU representatives as well as WHPA Executive Committee member organizations. There was active participation by the audience, and the session was declared a very successful forum for industry input.
Meeting notes for both sessions will be posted on the WHPA website.
September 14, 2012 - California HVAC Contractor & Technician Behavior Study Published
This report presents findings from the California HVAC Contractor & Technician Behavior Study undertaken by Energy Market Innovations, Inc. (EMI), Western Cooling Efficiency Center (WCEC), Verified, Inc., and Better Buildings, Inc. (BBI), on behalf of Southern California Edison (SCE) and Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). The purpose of the study was to gain a greater understanding of the HVAC market and to inform future California IOU HVAC program design. This project addresses the behavioral research area, Phase II, as recommended by Phase I, of the “HVAC Maintenance Energy Efficiency Study.”
CLICK HERE for more information.
Master Calendar for WHPA Meetings
The most popular WHPA link the past few weeks is our new online calendar. It was viewed by 167 people in the first ten days since its launch on July 25. The calendar shows the meeting times and contact information for WHPA committees, subcommittees and working groups.
CLICK HERE to view the WHPA Master Calendar.
PG&E and SCE Launch Commercial QM Programs
PG&E’s Commercial HVAC Quality Maintenance Program utilizes the new HVAC industry standard, ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 180, which supports increased HVAC performance with enhanced planned maintenance.
Southern California Edison's HVAC Optimization Program is a winning combination of an enhanced planned HVAC maintenance and financial incentives. The enhanced maintenance plan is based on HVAC research and leads to better energy efficiency, while SCE's program incentives help offset the incremental cost of the planned maintenance.
January 3, 2012 - NATE Achieves Prestigious ANSI Accreditation
North American Technician Excellence (NATE), a WHPA charter member, has officially been recognized as an ANSI-accredited certification body. ANSI, which stands for the American National Standards Institute, has served as the coordinator of the U.S. private sector, voluntary standardization system for more than 90 years.
CLICK HERE for more information.
November 16, 2011 - HVAC Action Plan Presentation
The HVAC Action Plan, published in June 2011 to help California's HVAC sector achieve the goals described in the California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan, was launched at a special event Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at the IHACI Trade Show.
Here is the video presentation by California Public Utility Commissioner Mark Ferron. CLICK HERE to view a larger screen version.
May 16, 2011 - SCE Incentive Calculators for Commercial QM
CLICK HERE for rest of message and to access the Incentive Calculators -one for the Service Agreement incentives and one for the Cooling Service Analysis incentives.