A Working Group of the WHPA Executive Committee
This Working Group has completed the work that was requested of it with the presentation of its final report to the Executive Committee on June 12, 2013. This Working Group is currently inactive.
July 1, 2013 IOU Advice Letter
Request of San Diego Gas & Electric, Southern California Gas Company, Southern California Edison, and Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Upstream Incentive Program for distributors of residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment in compliance with decision 12-11-015.
Click here for the letter.
Final Report
This report was approved by a majority of the Working Group and submitted to the WHPA Executive Committee for review and action at the June 12, 2013. The report was “accepted as written” and approved for transmission to California’s four investor owned utilities (IOUs) for consideration.
Click here for the report.
Status and Meeting Information
This Working Group has concluded its initial task with the submission of the final report to the Executive Committee. It is possible that this Working Group, or a version thereof, will resume activity in the future. If you are interested in participating, contact PG&E IOU Working Group Co-Lead, Jeremy Reefe, jmreefe@semprautilities.com.
Activities of the Working Group
This Working Group is to provide HVAC industry input to the IOUs in development of their Residential Upstream program proposals for submission to the CPUC. The Working Group is scheduled to disband once recommendations are made from the WHPA Executive Committee to the IOUs in June, 2012.
Meeting Minutes and Supporting Documents