Invitation to HVAC Cost Effectiveness Testing Educational Webinar
August 21st Cost Effectiveness Testing Educational Webinar sponsored by the WHPA Energy Savings & DEER Committee
August 2015
When: August 21st from 11am to noon Pacific
What: You are cordially invited to attend a WHPA webinar on Cost Effectiveness Testing. Ed Vine with the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab is the featured speaker.
The webinar is sponsored by the WHPA Energy Savings & DEER Committee and includes both presentation and an open Q&A session. It will address the following:
What are cost effectiveness tests and what do they tell us?
Why are there so many different tests?
Who in California decides which test(s) will be used in the state?
Why does California use the TRC (Total Resource Cost test)?
Even though the TRC formula includes both the value of and cost of NEBs (non-energy benefits) in the formula, why has the TRC been a problematic test in practice, particularly for measures such as HVAC maintenance in which NEBs play such a big part of buying decisions?
Mark your calendar for 8/21 from 11am to noon Pacific! For a formal calendar notice, contact WHPA Staff at wendy@performancealliance.org.
On August 21st, by 10:55 a.m. Pacific, click this WebEx link: https://betterbuildings.webex.com/betterbuildings/onstage/g.php?d=662177083&t=a
Enter your name, organization and email address.
Enter Password: WHPA
Dial (650) 479-3208 and enter access code: 662 177 083.