Dear WHPA Members,
The last twelve months have seen tremendous growth in the WHPA. The number of member organizations grew 23% and the number of individual registrants from those organizations rose a phenomenal 45%!! Clearly there is something happening that more people want to take part in.
The dynamic, organic growth in the range of activities and depth of work throughout the Alliance in which you collectively are committed to participating is even more impressive. From the development of recommendations to update California’s long-term energy efficiency strategic plan to the development of detailed implementation guidance for technicians performing rooftop maintenance, WHPA members are involved in many initiatives contributing to achieving state-wide short- and long-term energy goals.
To facilitate this exciting dialogue between all stakeholders, IOUs have been funding WHPA staff resources that generally provide both staff support for committee and working group live meetings (virtual and in-person) as well as infrastructure support to disseminate and distribute work products generated by those groups.
Growth is not without some growing pains – and the growth in the current and proposed committees and working groups has exceeded the 2014 budget for live staff services.
Therefore, the WHPA Executive Committee determined that as of March 12, 2014, all committees and working groups will continue to receive WHPA infrastructure support. Such support includes:
Creation and maintenance of individual committee and working group web pages;
Posting of meeting notes and deliverables, etc.;
Maintenance of up-to-date lists of WHPA members and registrants, as reference for determining committee and working group voting rosters;
Templates for meeting notes and work products (see “WHPA Infrastructure Kit” below).
However, in order to work within the 2014 budget of the WHPA, until and unless additional funds are received for 2014, only the committees and working groups named below will receive live staff support (meeting planning, invitations, agendas, notes, etc.) from a funded WHPA staff person.
Most of the committees and working groups that will continue to receive live WHPA staff support are directly engaged in work related to the 2014 SMART goals. The six SMART goals for 2014 were determined at the November 2013 in-person meeting in Pasadena – details are available by clicking here.
The work of these committees and working groups generally relates to public policy and utility information requests, and requires a higher level of documentation than other WHPA committees and working groups:
Executive Committee and Council of Advisors
Plan Revision Working Group (SMART Goal 1)
HVAC Efficiency Savings & DEER Committee (SMART Goals 2 & 3)
Residential Quality Installation Committee (SMART Goals 2 & 3)
Commercial Quality Installation Committee (SMART Goals 2 & 3)
Commercial Quality Maintenance Committee (SMART Goals 2 & 3)
CQM Standard 180 Maintenance Task Working Group (SMART Goals 2 & 3)
CQM Standard 180 Section 4 Implementation Working Group (SMART Goals 3 & 6)
Compliance Committee (SMART Goal 4)
Regulatory/IOUs Notification and Feedback Working Group (SMART Goal 5)
WE&T Sales Training & Tools Working Group (SMART Goal 6)
Onboard/ In-Field Fault Detection and Diagnostics Committee (FDD)
WE&T Commercial Sector Strategy Working Group
For those committees and work groups operating without live staff support, WHPA staff has prepared the “WHPA Infrastructure Kit” which includes:
Committee Roster Template
Meeting Notice/Agenda Template
Meeting Notes Template
Work Product Summary
Sample Work Product
“How To” Guide (aka, A-Z Instructions for Committee and Working Group Chairs)
This “kit” is available under “Tools & Templates for Chairs” on the website or by clicking here.
The WHPA Executive Committee and staff are available to answer any questions you may have; your currently-assigned WHPA staff person is knowledgeable in the resources that are available.
Together we can continue to develop the insights and analyses needed to transform the potential for energy efficiency within the HVAC arena into actual savings.
Thank you for all you continue to do!
The WHPA Executive Committee
Robert Baker, Co-Chair (ASHRAE)
Jeremy Reefe, Co-Chair (SDG&E)
Don Langston (ACCA)
Warren Lupson (AHRI)
Eurlyne Geiszler (CEC)
Simon Baker (CPUC)
Talbot Gee (HARDI)
Bob Wiseman (IHACI)
Erik Emblem (JCEEP/SMWIA)
Justin Kjeldsen (PG&E)
Mel Johnson (SCE)
Harvey Bringas (SoCalGas)
Don Tanaka (UA)