To all parties in R.13-11-005,
Commission staff is seeking comments on the two plans listed below by Friday, May 15 at 5pm.
To help inform comments, Commission staff and its consultant DNV-GL will be hosting a webinar to present the draft plans and address questions on Tuesday, May 12 between 10:00am and 1:00pm.
HVAC3 Quality Maintenance Draft Research Plan: The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has engaged DNV GL to evaluate California investor owned utility (IOU) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) program activity under the CPUC 2013-14 HVAC Research Roadmap. As part of this work, this study will investigate the energy impact of 2013-2014 IOU HVAC Maintenance programs in California including IOU Quality Maintenance programs. The study focuses on commercial applications because that has been the focus of IOU HVAC Maintenance program activity in 2013-2014. More specifically, this study will focus on the impact assessment of the five measures with highest ex ante impact across the IOU HVAC Maintenance programs: 1) refrigerant charge adjustment, 2) economizer repair, 3) evaporator and condenser coil cleaning, 4) thermostat adjustment, and 5) supply fan control. The study will also include a Net to Gross analysis, and will work closely with the ex ante team to gather data that will support updates to future workpapers.
HVAC4 Study of Deemed HVAC Measures, Year 1 Report, Rev. 2: This study set out to advance the understanding of the uncertainties associated with claimed energy savings in California by assessing the ex ante estimates for a few key HVAC measures that are not captured by the separate (but related) impact evaluations of the Quality Installation, Quality Maintenance, or the upstream HVAC programs. The study team selected three HVAC measures to analyze, using Monte Carlo simulations, in Year 1 based on review and analysis of 2013 and 2010-2012 IOU tracking data including: residential furnaces, residential quality maintenance & blower motor replacements, and mini-split and variable refrigerant flow systems. This report provides preliminary uncertainty values associated with the selected measures’ ex ante savings and the relative contribution of each input parameter to the variance of each measure’s ex ante savings.
How to file comments
The draft plan can be downloaded from Select the search tab and then select Portfolio Cycle 2013-2014 and search text ‘HVAC3’ or ‘HVAC4’ (no quotes). Click the search button and you will see the files for downloading.
Comments should be uploaded to the website by clicking “comment” on the plan by 5pm on May 15, 2015. In order to post comments, you will need to register on the site with an ID and password.
Details of the webinar:
May 12th, 10:00am -1:00pm.
You are invited to a meeting using Unified Meeting 5. This webinar will be recorded.
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If you have any questions, please contact Lola Odunlami at, Jennifer McWilliams at or Racheal Murray at