6/12 Deadline for Comments - Joint EM&V Plan
Opportunity to Provide Public Comments on Energy Efficiency Joint EM&V Plan 2014-2015 V5
June 2015
WHPA Members,
It's come to our attention that there is an opportunity for public comments on the latest update to the EM&V Joint Evaluation Plan, V.5. The plan is pertinent to all HVAC sectors. This update to the plan reflects prioritization of studies and allocation of funds authorized for EM&V in D 14-10-046. It also provides the most recent refresh of all activity that is currently underway for 2013-2014 evaluation activities. The Joint Evaluation Plan is a living document, and the next update is expected at the end of 2015. Public comments are requested and will be accepted until June 12, 2015.
We have been told that this is an appropriate place for posting the comments and suggestions discussed at the two recent CQM program evaluation plan webinars provided by the CPUC/ED and their consultants May 12 and 14, as long as the comments are germane to the process and the plan.
There are two ways to participate: Review Only and Review and Comment
Review Only
Click here to view the 2015 EM&V plan document only.
Review and Comment
To view and comment on the 2015 EM&V plan, you will need to first register using the following instructions:
1) Navigate to www.energydataweb.com/cpuc.
2) Register a user name and password with the site:
a. Click “Login” in the upper left corner.
b. Click "Create an account" and complete the registration form.
3) Login with your email address and password.
4) Once logged in, select Search (tab on top blue bar). In the Search section on the left side, select the “+” sign next to “Portfolio Cycle”, click “clear all” and then click the “2015” check box. Click on the Search button and the document ‘Energy Efficiency Joint EM&V Plan 2013-2015’ will show on the right side of the screen.
5) From here you can “View” the document and “Comment”. All comments are public and will be available to anyone accessing the site, at a minimum.
7) You may also “Subscribe” to the document to receive notifications.