DEER2013 Update Draft Commenting; Webinar Wed., Sept. 18, at 3 p.m.
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September 12, 2013
To WHPA members and all parties in R.09-11-014 and A.12-07-001 et al:
The final draft version for DEER2013 mid cycle updates are now posted on www.deeresources.com. A webinar will be held Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 3 to 5 p.m. by Energy Division, CPUC to discuss the commenting and is open to all WHPA members and to the general public.
You can also click here to access the model and supporting documentation (NOTE: you need to type in the user name and password on the left of the page in order to access the site).
Two DEER2013 version are published currently.
DEER2013 is an update draft that integrates all code changes.
DEER2013 Alternate is an update draft that integrates all code changes EXCEPT weather file updates.
Supporting documentation for both versions and an HVAC interactive effects workbook are posted as resources.
In addition, the new READI tool can now open DEER2011, DEER2013, and DEER2013 Alt. for comparing values.
The final DEER2013 update draft is open to commenting and the commenting period will be from 9/10/2013 to 10/10/2013.
Please post your follow-up comments, concerns, and issues with regards to the DEER2013 updates at http://www.energydataweb.com/cpuc/home.aspx. Go the Search tab on the website and type in “DEER2013 Update Final Draft” into the Search Text box to find the document for commenting. Please only submit comments on the public document website.
The DEER team will be holding a webinar to summarize the draft update, provide instructions on how to comment, and take questions on Wednesday (9/18) from 3 to 5 pm PST. No reservations are required, and the public is invited.
Meeting information
Call-in # 866-621-8358
Participant code 6224559
Feel free to contact me at Aaron.Lu@cpuc.ca.gov with any questions or comments.
Aaron Lu
Regulatory Analyst, Integrated Demand Side Analysis
California Public Utilities Commission
About the WHPA
The Western HVAC Performance Alliance was established in 2009. More than 162 organizations in 25 stakeholder categories are working together to help transform from the residential and small commercial HVAC industry to ensure that technology, equipment, installation and maintenance are of the highest quality to promote energy efficiency and peak load reduction. In this role the WHPA provides input to California Investor-Owned Utilities.