Two Residential QI Reports

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AUGUST 2012 

Residential Quality Installation Committee Delivers Report to Executive Committee

Jeff Henning, Chair of the WHPA Residential Quality Installation Subcommittee (Goal 2 Committee)
delivered a hard-hitting presentation to the June WHPA Executive Committee on the topic of issues negatively affecting the energy efficiency of residential Quality Installation (QI).

The 8-person team met five times to prepare the report. The PowerPoint Mr. Henning presented provided testimonials for HVAC market transformation in residential QI. It also identified the following issues:

Testimonials for QI and
Market Transformation

“We are right at the 50 jobs completed mark through the A/C Quality Installation program. The overwhelming majority of the jobs we have downsized ½ to 1 full ton in capacity.”

“I think that the program offered by SCE has had some dramatic effects in my local market as well. Customers are now more informed and other companies are talking about load calculations, duct design and better yet, pulling the appropriate permits.”

  1. Lack of support from Manufacturers for Manual
    S equipment selection
  2. Inconsistent and ineffective training for contractors and technicians
  3. Lack of processes and standards for commissioning zoned systems
  4. Little capability within building inspector/HERS rater industry to properly inspect for QI
  5. No true quantification of energy savings and customer value resulting from QI

Mr. Henning said that the committee is seeking more dialog within the WHPA and also with external organizations to advance the discussion. He requested guidance from the Executive Committee and indicated enthusiasm within the Residential QI Committee to advance their work to the next level.

CLICK HERE to view the presentation.


WE&T Working Groups Issue Report on Training Gaps for Consistent QI and QM

Eric Emblem, ChairThe WHPA Goal 2 Workforce Education & Training Subcommittee has responded to the call from the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) and California Energy Commission (CEC), issuing a report with broad HVAC industry participation.

Based on workshops over the past few years, the CPUC and CEC identified issues with the HVAC workforce lacking the necessary skills and abilities to perform QI/QM consistently.

Erik Emblem, Executive Administrator of the Western States Council of Sheet Metal Workers International Association is the Chair of the WE&T Subcommittees, which is a part of the Goal 2 Quality Installation/Quality Maintenance Committee of the WHPA. He explained the project;

“The WE&T Subcommittee got a very diverse group of HVAC industry stakeholders together to discuss the workforce as it stands today and explore gaps in training that exist in attaining consistent QI and QM.  They were also tasked with looking out to the year 2020 and identifying training gaps that will exist in attaining zero net energy buildings and the part HVAC QI/QM will play in those buildings. 

“This report is the only one of its kind that had the reach into the core stakeholders of our industry and engaged technicians, instructors, educators, suppliers and contractors simultaneously to reach consensus of industry training needs.”

Four Working Groups contributed individual reports, which have been consolidated into the draft report on the WHPA website.  The Working Groups are: Certification, Codes & Standards, Commercial QI & QM, and Residential QI & QM.  The Sales Force & Service Training Working Group is completing its draft, which will be added to the final report.

The next step is to compile the notes into a white paper with an executive summary and recommendations. This white paper will be submitted to the CPUC, the IOUs and WHPA leadership to help inform details of upcoming IOU program plans and additional WHPA and HVAC industry support for meeting California Long-Term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan goals. 

Mr. Emblem said, “It is our hope that the report's key findings will become elements of future HVAC incentives and that existing WE&T education programs will cooperate with the IOUs in filling the identified training gaps as we move toward the HVAC industry transformation.

CLICK HERE to read the report
CLICK HERE for more information on the Workforce Education and Training Subcommittee

Marketing Volunteer Opportunities

The Marketing Committee is forming two Working Groups, which will meet by phone three to six times.

WHPA Elevator Pitch – As visibility spreads, we want to encourage consistent messaging of the WHPA by developing an “elevator pitch”.

Facilitating Communication via Online Technology - This Working Group will identify online and social media  technologies to facilitate communication within WHPA committees, between WHPA committees, and between the WHPA and external audiences.

For further information, contact Marketing Committee Chair Michelle Cook of SoCalGas,

Master Calendar for WHPA Meetings

The most popular WHPA link the past few weeks is our new online calendar.  It was viewed by 167 people in the first ten days since its launch on July 25.

The calendar shows the meeting times and contact information for WHPA committees, subcommittees and working groups.  Open Meetings provide all information to attend the call. Closed Meetings provide contact information to request permission to attend. 

CLICK HERE to view the WHPA Master Calendar.

WHPA Staffing Support Plans Through 2014

The WHPA Executive Committee (EC) issued a statement in July announcing that staff support to WHPA Committees and Subcommittees was renewed in late May. CLICK HERE to view the announcement letter.

Further, the EC assured WHPA members that as the Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) define and request approval from the California Public Utility Commission for their 2013-2014 programs, the IOUs are incorporating staff support for the Performance Alliance into their plans. It is expected that support will continue through 2014 without any interruption.


About the WHPA
The Western HVAC Performance Alliance was established in 2009. More than 162 organizations in 25 stakeholder categories are working together to help transform from the residential and small commercial HVAC industry to ensure that technology, equipment, installation and maintenance are of the highest quality to promote energy efficiency and peak load reduction. In this role the WHPA provides input to California Investor-Owned Utilities.

Copyright 2017 by Western HVAC Performance Alliance