RQI Committee Meets SCE Request to Provide Timely Industry Input

2015 SMART Goals Approved by EC

At its December 10, 2014 meeting, the Executive Committee approved the final wording of the 2015 SMART goals (below).
  1. Revise HVAC Components of the CA Strategic Plan and HVAC Action Plan
  2. Continue Commercial HVAC Sector Strategy Engagement Process
  3. Revise FDD Roadmap
  4. Quantify QI/QM Energy Savings and Engage in DEER Update Process
  5. Develop HVAC Components of CEC AB 758 Action Plan
  6. Develop Single-Source Permitting Process for Mechanical Change-Outs


Sept. 10, 2014 - The Executive Committee adopted the work product Input to SCE RQI Program Claimed Savings Workpaper at the September 10 meeting.

This work paper was developed by the Residential Quality Installation (RQI) Committee, chaired by Jeff Henning of MSDC.

The undertaking was in response to a request from Southern California Edison (SCE) to review the existing SCE RQI Program workpaper and comment on information that was outdated or missing and make other suggestions for improvement. SCE is preparing to write the next version of the workpaper.

Mark Lowry, Chief of Staff of the WHPA, commented: “The responsiveness of this WHPA Committee to a request from one of our IOU partners is an excellent demonstration of the value of the WHPA in providing timely, specific and actionable industry feedback to the IOUs.  Res QI Committee members are to be commended for providing many volunteer hours working on a short deadline in order to provide their valuable feedback.”
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