Database for Energy Efficiency Resources - DEER

The California Public Energy Commission (CPUC) manages the Database for Energy Efficiency Resources (DEER). This database sets the projected energy savings and many other factors that strongly shape the energy saving programs funded by the California investor owned utilities (IOUs).

DEER2014 is an update of DEER2011 required by Codes and Standards (C&S) changes that are effective in 2014. The C&S updates include the California Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, the California Title 24 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, and the United States Code of Federal Regulations. These C&S updates are incorporated into all energy saving measure definitions and new construction building descriptions for DEER2014.Anyone can register to view documents at the CPUC DEER website:

Access DEER using the following login:  User ID> DEER   Password> 2008

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Aaron Lu, Regulatory Analyst,  Integrated Demand Side Analysis,  California Public Utilities Commission 415-703-2409.

Prior Meetings, Workshops, and Communications on the 2013-2014 DEER Update


DEER 2013 – Wednesday, Sept. 18 3 to 5 p.m.

The California Public Utility Commission DEER team will be holding a webinar to summarize the DEER2013 draft update and provide instructions on how to comment.

All WHPA members and the general public are invited to participate. DEER is the tool used by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) to calculate how the HVAC programs determine and claim energy savings. As such, DEER impacts much of the work of WHPA Committees and Working Groups. 

DEER 101 – Thursday, Sept. 12, 2013; Tutorial Specifically for All WHPA Members; Recording Available

A DEER 101 training meeting was conducted by utility staff on Sept. 12 for the WHPA. It was a unique opportunity for all WHPA members to learn about DEER, the tool used by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) to calculate how the HVAC programs determine and claim energy savings. As such, DEER impacts much of the work of WHPA Committees and Working Groups.. At the end of the class information was provided to help WHPA members provide feedback and information on the DEER model to the CPUC Energy Division staff.

A recording of the session is available here.

August 1, 2013 Introductory Meeting to WHPA by CPUC

Summary of Meeting: The Informational meeting introduced a high level overview of the 2013-2014 DEER update. The goal of the meeting was to allow CPUC staff to explain the DEER update and how to provide feedback as WHPA members.

Attendees: CPUC DEER Team, CPUC HVAC Team, WHPA – EC and COA, and IOU HVAC Team

July 20, 2013 – Simon Baker (CPUC) letter to the WHPA on the 2013-2014 DEER Update

July 17th – DEER 2013-2014 Public Workshop

A public workshop was held by the CPUC on July 17, 2013 to present the DEER 2013 and DEER 2014 update process and present an initial draft of the DEER 2013 update. This initial workshop focused on the latest research available and proposed methodologies to use for the DEER2013 and DEER2014 updates, specifically:
  • DEER2013 mid-cycle updates will incorporate the codes and standards, including the California Title 20 Appliance Efficiency Regulations, the California Title 24 Building Efficiency Standards, and the United States Code of Federal Regulations, that become effective in January 2014 and will be applied to the 2013-14 portfolio cycle. Changes to weather input assumptions for the simulation models will also be included in the mid-cycle updates.
  • DEER2014 updates will be apply to the post-2014 portfolio, beginning in 2015, and will tentatively include measure cost updates, saturation and baseline studies, measure use profile updates, and any Evaluation, Measurement, & Verification study results available within the schedule.
Overview and Documents from the July 17 Public Workshop

What is the process for providing industry feedback on DEER to the CPUC?
  • Click here to register for the CPUC Service List to receive update in DEER notifications. Subscribe to R.09-11-014
  • Review the CPUC EE Resources websites by clicking here
  • Review the DEER website. For detailed information, log in to the full DEER website on the right hand of the screen (username: DEER; password: 2008).
  • Once your comments and information is prepared, sent them to the CPUC DEER Lead (Aaron Lu -
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