Revised Notice of Staff Workshop 2016 Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan Update
California Energy Commission staff for the Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan will conduct a workshop regarding revised strategies in the 2016 Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan Update draft.
Oral comments will be taken at the meeting with Written comments due by November 1, 2016
Commissioners from the Energy Commission and the California Public Utilities Commission may attend or participate in the workshop.
Monday, October 17, 2016
9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
1516 Ninth Street
First Floor, Arthur Rosenfeld Hearing Room
Sacramento, California
(Wheelchair Accessible)
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Availability of Documents
Documents and presentations for this meeting will be available online at: http://www.energy.ca.gov/ab758/.
This workshop will present updated strategies in the 2016 Plan update draft, with time for stakeholder input on the updates. Stakeholders are also welcome to comment and provide recommendations on other strategies that were not updated in the Plan update draft.
In late 2015, the Energy Commission adopted the Existing Buildings Energy Efficiency Action Plan (Plan), a comprehensive set of strategies to scale energy efficiency in California's existing building stock over the next decade. A few months later, legislation passed that adds significant state policy support for the Plan goals and objectives.
SB 350 (De Leon, Chapter 547, Chapter, Statutes of 2015) directs the Energy Commission to further its efforts to scale energy efficiency by setting statewide energy savings targets to achieve a doubling of current energy efficiency efforts by 2030. SB 350 also directs the Energy Commission to update the Plan by January 1, 2017, and every three years thereafter.
AB 802 (Williams, Chapter 590, Statues of 2015) directs the Energy Commission to establish a first of its kind statewide building energy use benchmarking and public disclosure program. AB 802 also directs the California Public Utilities Commission to consider expanding efficiency program assistance to bring older buildings and energy systems up to current code requirements and to pilot meter-based savings regimes within the Investor owned utilities ratepayer funded efficiency programs.
This Plan update provides status reports on current energy efficiency strategies, modifies a few strategies to better reflect industry needs, and expands select strategies to align with the new legislative directives.
Public Comments
Oral Comments
Staff will accept oral comments during the workshop. Public comments may be limited to three minutes per speaker. Any comments will become part of the public record in this proceeding.
Written Comments
Written comments should be submitted to the Dockets Unit by November 1, 2016. Written comments will also be accepted at the workshop, however, the Energy Commission may not have time to review them before the conclusion of the workshop. All written comments will become part of the public record of this proceeding.
The Energy Commission encourages comments by e-file. Comments on this proceeding can be submitted through our e-file system here:https://efiling.energy.ca.gov/EcommenUEcomment.aspx?docketnumber=16-EBP-O1.
Written comments may also be submitted by handing them directly to the Public Adviser, by e-mailing them to the Dockets Office, or by U.S. Postal Service to:
California Energy Commission
Dockets Office, MS-4
Re: Docket No. 16-EBP-01
1516 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-5512
If you choose to not use the electronic filing system, please include the appropriate docket number on any e-mailed or written comments. Comments may be e-mailed to docket@energy.ca.gov. Please copy the program contact, Laith Younis at Laith.Younis@energy.ca.gov.
Please note that your electronic, e-mailed, written and oral comments, attachments, and associated contact information (for example, address, phone, and e-mail) become part of the viewable public record. Additionally, this information may become available via Google, Yahoo, and other search engines.
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Shea Dibble
WHPA Director, Regulatory Affairs and Policy |