Regulatory/IOU Notification & Feedback Working Group

The work of this Committee was completed at the end of 2014.


The mission of this Working Group is to develop an efficient broadcast communication platform and processes to provide timely information to WHPA members about important events related to changes to current relevant utility, regulatory, and government programs and to provide development of future programs to ensure processes are open and transparent, to maximize engagement by WHPA members and other stakeholder groups, and to the extent possible align with existing regulatory feedback processes.

Strategic Plan and 2014 SMART Goal Alignment

This Working Group is aligned with all of the Goals in the California Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan, what is termed Cross-Cutting HVAC Goals 1-4. CLICK HERE for more information on the Cross-Cutting Goals of the Strategic Plan.

It is aligned with 2014 SMART Goals 5, “Structured Notification and Feedback on Regulatory and Utility Processes”. CLICK HERE for more information about the 2014 SMART Goals.

Reporting Structure

The Regulatory/IOU Notification & Feedback Working Group reports to the Executive Committee.

To see the complete WHPA organization chart, CLICK HERE.

Status and Meeting Information

Mike O’Halloran (AHRI) is Chair of this Working Group.

The work of the Regulatory/IOU Notification & Feedback Working Group was completed in 2014.  If you have any questions, please email Shea Dibble of the WHPA Staff by clicking here.

Activities of the Working Group


The Working Group supported the 2014 SMART GOAL #5 - Structured Notification and Feedback on Regulatory and Utility Processes.

Goal #5 reads as follows: The WHPA will develop an efficient broadcast communication platform and processes to provide timely information to WHPA members about important events related to changes to current relevant utility, regulatory and government programs and development of future programs to ensure processes are open and transparent, to maximize engagement by WHPA members and other stakeholder groups, and to the extent possible align with existing regulatory feedback processes.

This communication platform should allow users to provide feedback on information provided in an efficient manner, such that this feedback can easily be reviewed and consolidated by the information provider as desired.

  • On August 15, 2014, fulfilling a milestone for SMART Goal #5, the Regulatory/Policy Notification Working group completed the initial design of the notification web page and published it on the WHPA website.
  • The Regulatory/Policy Activity and Resource page is a living document that will be updated monthly and modified to meet the needs of the membership on an as-needed basis
  • Topics are presented in tabular format with a brief synopsis for each topic and an identification of WHPA stakeholders per topic.
  • A simple Regulatory/Policy Activity and Resource submission process has been established to facilitate the capturing of new and existing activities and resources.
  • Staff has planned Regulatory/Policy Activity and Resource page launch notification process that will include a linked home page banner, write-up in the WHPA Newsletter, and a notification to the COA and Chairs.
  • Semi-Regular updates will occur through newsletters or e-mail blasts.

This communication platform will be operated with WHPA staff support for one half of a year, during which time its effectiveness will be tracked. After one half year, a brief report on the communication platform development, launch and early adoption will be issued, with recommendations.

If necessary, a whitepaper will also be issued to recommend how to better align these processes with the WHPA to minimize duplication and requests for WHPA member’s time.

Copyright 2016 by Western HVAC Performance Alliance