Strategy 3.4: Accelerate code-based solutions to improving the thermal structural integrity and incorporating alternative cooling methods into building designs.
The whole building approach stressed in the Strategic Plan improves the thermal integrity of structures (e.g., building envelope), addresses lighting and appliance loads, moves ducts and equipment off the roof and out of hot attics (or eliminates the need for ducts with radiant heating or cooling). In market diffusion theory, code-based solutions—such as a requirement to incorporate radiant heating and cooling and ground source heat-pumps in all new construction—are designed to address both the late majority and laggards in the building industry, left unmotivated by the first-mover incentives (both financial and otherwise) that inspire innovators and early adopters. However, California’s building energy codes (T24) are updated approximately every three years—which leaves reach codes as the main path to accelerate code-based solutions related to whole building design. The WHPA, through its committees, is involved in current efforts to update the new T24 base code that will go into effect in January 2014.
Key Actions
Implement optional code improvements necessary to facilitate moves to whole building design approaches
Develop green building code with multiple voluntary levels; Part 11 of Title 24 (California Green Building Standards)
Develop a reach energy code that cities can adopt or utilities can incent beyond Title 24; Part 6 of Title 24
Review HVAC role in current reach codes; develop roadmap
Q4 2012
Further develop HVAC in next reach codes
Q4 2012