This committee is concerned with Whole Building. The goal is stated as Building industry design and construction practices that fully integrate building performance to reduce cooling and heating loads.
There are five strategies associated with this goal:
- 3-1 Aggressively promote whole building design concepts that improve the overall thermal integrity of new and existing structures.
- 3-2 Accelerate activities related to HVAC aspects of whole building industry design standards.
- 3-3 Accelerate HVAC related aspects of whole building design in the educational and professional communities.
- 3-4 Accelerate code-based solutions to improving the thermal structural integrity and incorporating alternative cooling methods into building design.
- 3-5 Sponsor design competitions to encourage builders to design and build homes with net zero peak demands.
The Whole Building Committee is involved in both residential and commercial buildings, with both new construction and existing structures. Qualified volunteers are sought to join the committee and the subcommittees.
Please contact the committee chair for more information:
Jeremy Reefe
Program Advisor II
Demand Response
Energy Efficiency
Direct: 858.636.5533