Building on the work conducted in 2014, the WHPA will actively engage in the DEER update process and provide relevant input throughout 2015 into 1) the HVAC research roadmap, 2) the current program cycle research plan, and 3) the scope, methods, and data sources used in specific studies in the research plan, specifically focusing on 1) assessing realistic market baselines for commercial/residential system operating conditions, 2) assessing energy savings from Commercial QM, Residential QM, Commercial QI and Residential QI, and 3) assessing realistic baselines for the current rate of compliance for residential and commercial equipment installations. In parallel, the WHPA will continue to drive capacity building around DEER and ex ante/ex post energy savings evaluation methods through speakers at relevant committee meetings and hosting educational webinars. This goal will be measured by engagement with the DEER update process and HVAC research as documented in committee minutes and work products.