2015 SMART Goals - As approved by the Executive Committee Dec. 10, 2014

At its December 10, 2014 meeting, the Executive Committee approved the final wording of the goals based on work sessions held at the Nov. 5 in-person meeting of the Executive Committee, Council of Advisors, and Committee Chairs.

They are known as SMART Goals. SMART is a methodology to develop goals that are Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic, and Time-Based.

The Goals cover a wide territory:
  • Revise HVAC Components of the CA Strategic Plan and HVAC Action Plan;
  • Continue Commercial HVAC Sector Strategy Engagement Process;
  • Revise FDD Roadmap;
  • Quantify QI/QM Energy Savings and Engage in DEER Update Process;
  • Develop HVAC Components of CEC AB 758 Action Plan;
  • Develop Single-Source Permitting Process for Mechanical Change-Outs.
CLICK HERE for a presentation summarizing the 2015 SMART Goals and their alignment with the WHPA Committees and Working Groups.

The sections below list the Committees and Working Groups aligned with each of the 2015 SMART Goals.

Detailed information about the 2014 SMART Goals can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Goal 1 - Revise HVAC Components of the CA Strategic Plan and HVAC Action Plan

In 2015, the WHPA Council of Advisors, using a collaborative process, will continue the development of a current policy, program, market sector, and tangible metrics information toolbox for ten key HVAC topic areas, which will be submitted to the CPUC to support updates of the CA Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan and HVAC Action Plan.  This goal will be measured by the completion and EC approval of the toolbox by December 31, 2015.

Goal 2 - Continue Commercial HVAC Sector Strategy Engagement Process

The WHPA Commercial HVAC Sector Strategy Committee (formed at the beginning of 2014) will continue to engage with the Statewide Workforce, Education and Training Team (“Sector Strategy Team”) in a collaborative engagement process, effectively acting as the steering committee for the development of the CPUC-ordered 2014-2015 Commercial HVAC Sector Strategy.  The Committee will support the development and implementation of the HVAC Sector Strategy throughout the year.  This goal will be measured by the input and the review provided by the Committee as documented by meeting minutes and work products.

Goal 3 - Revise FDD Roadmap

The Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD) Committee will work collaboratively with stakeholders to substantiate the benefits promised by in-field and embedded FDD for various stakeholders including residential and small commercial HVAC customers, HVAC contractors, utilities, ratepayers, and society at large. Specifically, they will determine which benefits are of value to each category of stakeholders, validate that these benefits are actually achievable, and outline approaches to exhibit these benefits to the different stakeholders.  These factors will form the basis of an update to the FDD Roadmap to be completed by December 31, 2015.

Goal 4 - Quantify QI/QM Energy Savings and Engage in DEER Update Process

Building on the work conducted in 2014, the WHPA will actively engage in the DEER update process and provide relevant input throughout 2015 into 1) the HVAC research roadmap, 2) the current program cycle research plan, and 3) the scope, methods, and data sources used in specific studies in the research plan, specifically focusing on 1) assessing realistic market baselines for commercial/residential system operating conditions, 2) assessing energy savings from Commercial QM, Residential QM, Commercial QI and Residential QI, and 3) assessing realistic baselines for the current rate of compliance for residential and commercial equipment installations.  In parallel, the WHPA will continue to drive capacity building around DEER and ex ante/ex post energy savings evaluation methods through speakers at relevant committee meetings and hosting educational webinars.  This goal will be measured by engagement with the DEER update process and HVAC research as documented in committee minutes and work products.

Goal 5 - Develop HVAC Components of CEC Existing Buildings Action Plan

The WHPA, using a collaborative process, will provide input into the CEC Existing Buildings Action Plan as desired and necessary throughout 2015.  This goal will be measured by the input and review provided by the Committee as documented by meeting minutes and work products.

Goal 6 - Develop Approved Web-based Permitting Process for Mechanical Change-Outs

The WHPA will develop a roadmap through a collaborative process with California Building Officials (CALBO), contractors, city and county representatives, County Building Officials Association of California (CBOAC), Contractors State License Board (CSLB), the California Energy Commission (CEC), California State Association of Counties (CSAC), and other relevant stakeholders for approved web-based permitting of mechanical change-outs.  This goal will be measured by the completion of a whitepaper describing this roadmap by December 31, 2015.
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